The islands of Atlantica*** are a cursed and haunted place that lead the house of August-Kaiser down ever darker roads until finally Ferrok took them to their logical conclusion seeking the wisdom of the witch. Lord Ferrok Kriegsburg of the house of August-Kaiser seeks eternal life having conquered all the way to the cold shores of his island which serve as the current extent of his domain. A witch from Kislev known as Stanislava the Iron Queen has forged a pact with Lord Ferrok, master of the Iron Mountain and the Despot of Morien**. Yet the scourge that would scour the world is yet young now in the year of 2502*. Some would even take the step of giving up their own flesh to bind with the bodies of metal they had wrought, becoming immortal and undying Men of Iron.
They sought to instead merge the power of sinister Dhar and deathly Shyish to bodies of cold steel and iron, forged with the expertise of cunning engineering and a great understanding of technology with unlife breathed into them to animate metal as most necromancers did flesh and bone. Born of those who sought immortality through more engineered routes than the familial whimsies of vampires, the rotting megalomania of lichedom, or the bodiless torment of becoming a wraith. The Men of Iron are some of the most eclectic followers of the teachings of Nagash. What if there was a faction of Undead aligned Iron Golem people in Warhammer Fantasy?